Meadowbrook Hall When the Dodge Family Lived in It]
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
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made by Sysoeva E.A.
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Причастие — это неличная форма глагола, которая может одновременно работать и как причастие, и как деепричастие в английском языке. Английский язык не имеет какой-то отдельной формы, которая соответствовала бы привычному для русского языка деепричастию. Все то, что на русском будет выражено деепричастием, в английском легко можно отразить при помощи причастия, в том числе и обычный причастный и деепричастный оборот.
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1 Причастие I (Participle I или Nowadays Participle) -причастие настоящего времени. Имеет две формы: а) Present Participle Unproblematic. Соответствует русскому причастию настоящего времени и деепричастию несовершенного вида: reading –читающий, читая, resting –отдыхающий, отдыхая; Look at that walking man. Посмотри на того шагающего мужчину. I can't exist serious walking with you in the street. Я не могу быть серьезной, расхаживая с тобой по улице. б) Present Participle Perfect. Соответствует русскому деепричастию совершенного вида: having written –написав, having read –прочтя. Having washed the work she went home. Сделав работу, она пошла домой. 2 Причастие II (Participle II или Past Participle) -причастие прошедшего времени. Причастие от переходных глаголов соответствует русскому страдательному причастию прошедшего времени: opened –открытый, dressed–одетый, made –сделанный.
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Past Participle (Participle Ii) 5+-ed/Three form выражает страдательное значение: moved (сдвинутый) played (сыгранный) stopped (остановленный) typed (напечатанный) irregular verbs → Past Participle broken (сломанный) read (прочитанный) sold (проданный) taken (взятый) Present Participle (Participle I) 5+-ing выражает активное значение: flying (летящий) playing (играющий) running (бегущий) sleeping (спящий) working (работающий)
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one.The scientists (discussing / discussed) this problem volition have part in the conference. 2.The problems (discussing / discussed) at the briefing are of great importance for future research. 3.The subjects (studying / studied) in the starting time year at the Establish are:mathematics, chemistry, drawing geometry and others. 4.Students (studying / studied) foreign languages should read special literaturein the original. five.The professor (delivering / delivered) lectures on mathematics is a well-known specialist. six.The lecture (delivering / delivered) by professor N. was very interesting. vii.Specialists (grooming / trained) at our University piece of work in different fields of the national economy. viii.The coach (training / trained) our volleyball team is a expert sportsman.
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1.(Having written / writing) the dictation she made many mistakes. 2.(Having written / writing) the letter, she posted it. 3.(Building / having congenital) a new house, builders used all modern methods of construction. four.(Building / having built) the business firm they arranged a groovy party for the relatives and friends. 5.(While living / having lived) in St. Petersburg for ten years I visited all its famous museums 6.(While living / having lived) in St. Petersburg for ten years I moved to Kiev. vii.(When solving / having solved) new problems scientists practise a lot of research.
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Как и во многих других грамматических конструкциях английского языка, для того, чтобы выразить отрицание, перед причастием нужно поставить частицу not. Not paying attention — Не обращая внимание. Not entered the museum, he threw a cigarette — Он выкинул сигарету, не зайдя в музей. She saw his not smiling face in the door-window — Она увидела в дверном проеме его не улыбающееся лицо. They are non watching a new picture show about velociraptors at present — Сейчас они не смотрят новый фильм о велоцирапторах. Not dancing daughter — Не танцующая девочка.
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i. excited/watching 2. worried/worrying iii. looking iv. having had 5 frightening/frightened six feeling
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vii. invited viii. hearing 9. playing 10. cleaned 11. written 12. writing 13. having written 14. crossing xv. not knowing
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one. We saw a lot of ______ chairs in the basement. a) breaking b) broken c) having broken 2. You expect ______ . What's the matter? a) worried b) being worried c) worrying 3. The human being _______ with Mrs. Smith is her son's instructor, if I'thou not mistaken. a) talked b) talking c) being talked 4. The second question _______ at the conference yesterday was very interesting. a) being discussed b) having been discussed c) discussed
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5. When I looked out of the window, I saw her ______ the street. a) crossing b) crossed c) having crossed 6. I heard the children _______ over something and went to see what it was. a) existence fought b) fought c) fighting 7. _______ my work on the study, I locked my office and went home. a) Finished b) Having finished c) Having been finished eight. The weather _______ pleasantly warm, we stayed in the park all twenty-four hours. a) being b) having been c) is
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1.He looked at me and hesitated: he didn't know what to say. not knowing what to say ii.As he had long lived there and knew the identify very well, he hands found his manner to the Town Hall. having lived and knowing 3.Have care when you lot cross the street. crossing four.Don't yous feel tired after you have walked so much? having walked 5.He knew the linguistic communication well considering he had been taught since babyhood. having been taught
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6.While I was waiting for him I looked through the magazines which were lying on the table. waiting/lying 7.The aqueduct which volition link the two seas is being congenital now. linking viii.The explanation which was given was not complete. the given explanation 9.As I was shown the incorrect way I couldn't discover his house. having been shown 10.Mod houses have amend facilities because they are built in a new fashion. Modern houses built in a new way…
xviii слайд
one. He vicious asleep (exhaust) by the journeying. 2. She entered the dining room (back-trail) by her husband and her father. three. A snake (sleep) in the grass will bite if anyone treads upon it. 4. (Fill up) his pockets with apples the boy was nigh to run abroad when he saw the possessor of the garden with a stick in his hand. v. It was a brilliant Sunday morn of early summertime (hope) heat. 6. When I came home, I institute the table (lay). 7. (Judge) past the colour of the sunday it should be windy tomorrow. 8. (Get in) at a big seaport, I started to expect for a task. 9. He had received an urgent message (ask) him to telephone Sir Matthew. Exam
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10. He looked at groups of young girls (walk) arm in arm. 11. In the woods they saturday downwardly on a (fall) tree. 12. (Encounter) from the colina the city looks magnificent. 13. (Not know) where to go he turned to a passerby. 14. (Lock) in her room she threw a fit. fifteen. (Accost) the parcel, I went out at once to mail information technology. sixteen. She oftentimes took care of my little sis (give) me a possibility to play with other boys. 17. (Wash) her face in cold water, she came up to the window and shut it. 18. Paul sat down over again, manifestly (change) his listen nigh going.
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